Comprehensive Guide To Braces For Kids

Comprehensive Guide To Braces For Kids

Ever wonder if your child might need braces? Those twinkling smiles hide a world of potential concerns, from misalignment to bite problems. As children start developing permanent teeth, they can face issues such as misalignment of teeth. If parents don’t take care of these issues, they may persist for a lifetime. Such dental problems can lead to discomfort in the mouth. Also, children might feel underconfident because they might end up believing that they do not have an attractive smile.

Providing your child with the right orthodontic treatment at an early age can provide them with multiple benefits. These benefits include improvement in smile, function, facial symmetry, and much more. This comprehensive guide to braces for kids will help you understand everything about getting braces for your kids.

Transform your child’s smile with braces! Contact us today.

A] Why Do Children Need Braces? 

Children might need braces for many reasons. It becomes important to fix the dental health of your kid with the help of braces so that they don’t face dental issues that last a lifetime.

1. Crossbite

Crossbite is a situation when some upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. It may be because the upper and lower jaws are misaligned or only the teeth are misaligned. Braces can help you correct this issue by aligning the teeth and jaws properly.

2. Overbite

Overbite causes the overlapping of the upper front teeth over the lower front teeth. The excessive overlapping can become a problem in the long term for instance it can lead to wearing out of teeth. Braces can help you correct the bite and reduce the existence of the deep overbite and thus help prevent potential dental problems.

3. Underbite/ Open bite

An underbite occurs when the lower teeth protrude further than the upper teeth. On the other hand, an open bite occurs when there is a gap between the upper and lower teeth when you close your mouth. If your child suffers from an underbite or an open bite, braces can help in adjusting the position of the teeth and jaws.

4. Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth refer to misaligned teeth. Misaligned teeth can affect a child’s appearance and oral function. Getting braces will help in moving your child’s teeth into their proper positions. This orthodontic treatment will help in improving both aesthetics and functionality.

5. Mouth Breathing 

Long-term mouth breathing can lead to dental issues in children. It can cause problems such as dry mouth, bad breath, and improper jaw development. Braces can help in correcting mouth-breathing habits in children. Braces can also help in improving their teeth alignment.

6. Losing Teeth At An Early Age

Losing Teeth At An Early Age

Premature loss of baby teeth due to decay or trauma can disrupt the development of permanent teeth in children. Braces can help guide emerging teeth into the correct positions and prevent complications associated with early tooth loss.

B] What Is The Right Age For Braces? 

The first check-up of teeth by an orthodontist should be around 6 to 7 years. Depending on the condition of your child’s teeth the Orthodontist will guide you when to start treatment with Braces or aligners. The best age for braces is usually during adolescence. During this period, the jaws of children are in the developmental stage. 8 to 14 years is a good age to get braces and address issues such as misaligned teeth and bite problems.

If you are considering getting braces at ages 8, 9, or 10 for your child, you can seek guidance from a reputed dental clinic in Andheri West. An experienced Orthodontist can provide an expert evaluation of your child’s dental health. You can get a customized dental plan for your kid to ensure they have great overall health.

C] Types Of Braces Available For Kids

There are different kinds of kid’s braces. The below-mentioned are the two primary types of braces.

1. Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional braces are the most common type of braces for kids. They consist of metal brackets that the dentist attaches to the teeth and connects with wires. Metal braces are highly effective in treating several dental issues. They help in treating the problems of underbite, overbite, etc.

Metal braces are the most popular choice because they are highly durable. They can last for a long time. Another reason why most parents opt for traditional braces for their kids is that these braces are highly affordable. Traditional metal braces allow for the easy movement of teeth. They can help in fixing severe orthodontic issues.

2. Invisalign


Invisalign has become a popular alternative to the traditional metal braces. They are quite effective in children above 6 years of age and teenagers. Invisalign aligners are totally clear and transparent. That is why most children opt for these braces as they are not very noticeable. When a child wears Invisalign aligners for a long time, it gradually helps in moving their teeth into the desired position. It provides great comfort and convenience to children as they can easily remove the aligners while brushing and flossing.

If you are looking to get braces for your child, you can consider consulting specialized children’s dentistry services. These clinics might be able to provide complete dental care for your child that fits their unique needs.

D] Getting Braces For Kids

Let us take a look at the process of getting braces for kids.

  • First of all, you will need to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist. The orthodontist will help in assessing your child’s dental health.
  • The orthodontist will take X-rays, impressions or scans, and photographs of the child’s mouth. Doing so will help in creating a customized treatment plan for the kid.
  • After assessing the need for braces, the orthodontist will discuss the type of braces available for the child. You can choose the best option for your child to make him/her comfortable.
  • In the next step, the orthodontist will fit the braces on the child’s teeth.
  • After the braces are in place, your child will need to attend regular appointments with the orthodontist. The orthodontist will provide adjustments and monitor the progress of the treatment.
  • The braces time period can last anywhere from 12 – 18 months. Sometimes, the treatment can also go on for 24 months.

When a child has braces, you should give your child food that is soft to chew. Avoid giving your child food that can get stuck between the teeth. After the orthodontist removes the braces, your child will need to wear retainers to keep the teeth in the desired position.

Transform your child’s smile with braces! Contact us today.


Getting braces for kids will help them achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Braces can help in fixing a variety of dental issues in a child. When your child’s dental health is in top-notch condition, they feel confident. Good dental health can boost the self-esteem of your child.

If you want to get the best dental care for your child, feel free to contact us. The best dental health providers can provide the necessary care and help for your kids.

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